Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Almost Healed...But it's almost time to sign up!!!

My back is almost back to normal! Yay! That's a relief too! But did you know that it's almost time to sign up for the Princess Half Marathon?!!! Yep! The sign up date is coming up very quickly and I am getting more and more excited about it! I can't contain my excitement!

I have in the past kind of let my excitement get in the way of how I let my performance get the best of me but this year I have decided to start up early and run no matter what. I have been reading other blogs and reading about the Princess Half Marathon and saying how it is very Walker Friendly so that makes me feel a lot better. I have however entered to try to win a spot to go to the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco on October 19, 2014 but if I don't get into that then I will sign up for a half marathon in Myrtle Beach and run/walk that. I mean who wouldn't want to run/walk at the beach? I know I would! And then I am going to sign up for a 10K at the Outer Banks in November to hopefully get a better corral for the PHM. I don't want to be in the last corral because I want to be able to stop and take pictures so with that said the training needs to start happening soon. I feel like with this move coming on it will never happen but it has to. Even if it means while at Disney World in September, me having to train there I will! I mean what a better place to train at than the very place I will be running at in February! Talk about motivation there!!!

While we are at Disney I am going to be checking out BLT and even the Yacht Club because well I can. I want to really stay at Bay Lake Tower in February because it has access to the Monorail and well who doesn't want access to the monorail instead of a bus at 4am? This chick that's who!

Weight wise I am down another couple of pounds which makes me very happy and I can tell my clothes are fitting nicely now. I have even started to find clothes that haven't been able to fit in years fitting. So that is a nice plus to this weight loss. We are heading to the lake for a few days with the family to go camping so if I do happen to post anything I will try to post something that is relaxing looking!

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